Sunday, December 19, 2021

Çağ Primary eTwinning Club students have used Canva, a graphic design platform, to create personalized 2022 calendars in English. They have even created a special format for the day of their birthdays!
#etwinning #diy #calendar #canva #graphicaldesign #ict #englishfun #esl #2022 #handsonlearning


Saturday, December 18, 2021

 Seyran ÖZER - Derince Nene Hatun Primary School

Our part of the New Year Tangram

 Seyran ÖZER - Derince Nene Hatun Primary Scholl

Dıy Desk 2022 Calender

Monday, December 13, 2021

Giorgiana C Türkmen- Özel Ege Lisesi
Here is our edited part of the New Year tree!


OUR EBOOK WITH COMICS MADE WITH PIXTON WEBTOOL (collaborative work in our project)

Book titled 'Our e-Book about comics (pixton)...'Read this book made on StoryJumper

Friday, December 3, 2021

Seyran ÖZER - Derince Nene Hatun Primary Scholl
Our December Meeting

 Seyran ÖZER - Derince Nene Hatun Primary Scholl

We love tactix
Tactix Tournament

 Seyran ÖZER - Derince Nene Hatun Primary Scholl

Comics with Pixton

Comics with Pixton

We were doing comics with Pixton in the class! Our language assistant help us to do them!

Here you can see some of the comics we have been doing!

eTwinning project certificates. 4th graders CEIP S' Hort des Fassers

   CEIP S'Hort des Fassers. Final certificates for all the 4th graders in the eTwinning project!!! AMAZING WORK!!!